Hope & Justice Foundation

Fight against human trafficking and sexual abuse brings activist to Salvador

In 2020, lawyer, public relations professional, international speaker and writer, Anna Alves-Lazaro, created Hope & Justice Foundation in Orlando (Florida, USA), in order to alert, prevent and fight against human trafficking, domestic violence, abuse and sexual exploitation of men, women and children through actions based on prevention, protection, research and repression.

One of the world’s references on the subject, the activist will be in Salvador from 12th to 15th of May to participate in the XXIV Brazilian Congress of Magistrates, alongside the director of the foundation, Luciana Zappulla. Hope & Justice Foundation is an official partner of the Association of Brazilian Magistrates (AMB) in the Red Signal Campaign against domestic violence in which Anna will give a lecture on human trafficking and domestic violence in Brasília, on 16th, in the auditorium of the Legislative Chamber of Federal District.

As founder and president of Hope & Justice Foundation, she works in the fight for the rights of victims and survivors of human trafficking, domestic violence and child sexual abuse and exploitation, directing several programs and projects that offer emotional, psychological, medical and legal support through a multidisciplinary team that works helping economically vulnerable victims and survivors.

Photo: Divulgation. Follow the Insta @sitealoalobahia

Font: https://aloalobahia.com/notas/combate-ao-trafico-humano-e-abuso-sexual-traz-ativista-a-salvador

Anna Alves-Lazaro

Anna Alves-Lazaro is a lawyer, social communicator, public relations professional, CEO and founder of Hope & Justice Foundation, speaker, writer and activist against Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation. More about us

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