Hope & Justice Foundation

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Edmund Burke

Anna Alves-Lazaro


Anna Alves-Lazaro is a lawyer, social communicator, public relations professional, CEO and founder of Hope & Justice Foundation, speaker, writer and activist against Human Trafficking, Domestic Violence and Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation.


End human trafficking, human smuggling, domestic violence and children sexual exploitation through actions based on these 4 pillars:


We guide our actions and establish our values under the conservations of Christian Principles; character, sovereignty, sowing and harvesting, individuality, alliance, self-governance, and responsibility, as well as the legal and constitutional principles: Human Dignity, Legality, respecting Laws and Order, and having morals and good character.


The Christian Values are priceless to us and are preserved such as honesty, loyalty, kindness, truth, solidarity, altruism, harmony, justice, impartiality, equality, equity, freedom, tolerance, respect, gratitude, spirituality, love, patience, humility, generosity and joy.

O principal objetivo da Fundação Hope & Justice é prevenir e combater o tráfico de pessoas, a violência doméstica e a exploração sexual de crianças por meio da conscientização e da educação. Acreditamos que educação, informação e treinamento são ferramentas muito eficientes e úteis que podem ajudar a reduzir drasticamente os horríveis números de tráfico humano, exploração infantil e violência doméstica. A falta de táticas para reduzir o impacto do tráfico humano, abuso infantil e violência doméstica tende a fazer com que os números desses crimes hediondos aumentem a cada ano. Nosso principal objetivo é disseminar o conhecimento sobre esses métodos de prevenção.

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After studying Anna Alves-Lazaro's work, dedicated to Education, Information and Human Trafficking, I learned the risks of these causes and knew how to restrain these practices. According to statistics, Central Florida is among the regions with more reports of this kind of occurrence.

This foundation is a privilege! Yeah! A privilege! We can avoid a victim with our action or through others, it generates a unique feeling of gratitude. Making a difference in someone's life you've never seen, saving someone and loving them without looking at who allows us to become better people like Jesus Christ.

I am very happy to be able to carry out this volunteer work with Hope & Justice in the fight against Human Trafficking developing the website and all the marketing, it was an opportunity that God gave me to stand up for an important cause. We are stronger and we can fight against human trafficking.

Being a volunteer at Hope & Justice Foundation doesn't only allow me to help victims of crimes, but also to prevent these crimes against the community through my work in marketing and social media. I'll always be thankful, because we are stronger together in fighting against these crimes.

In the dictionary, donate means “to give money, food, clothing, anything to help those in need.” This definition can easily fit into Hope & Justice! The Foundation cares about the well-being of others, for me it is a reason for pride, because it welcomes with affection and respect, in a human way. That's why I help with dedication to those who need support in the delicate moments of life. When people come together, we have more strength to do good things!

First of all, I want to thank God for touching every life that is part of this project; nothing is hidden from the Lord's eyes. Evil may be present in the country, but we and those who want to be part of the project, with the Lord's permission, can help the victims.

I met Hope & Justice Foundation with the aim of establishing partnership in actions and projects to combat crimes against women and children. I met the CEO and Founder Anna Alves-Lazaro and her team who are competent and committed to the mission of protecting women and children through the prevention, protection and assistance of this population. I am delighted to be a partner and volunteer with Hope & Justice Foundation.

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“Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheaply we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed if so celestial an article as freedom should not be highly rated.”
Thomas Paine.

Diamond Sponsors


Parceria Solidária




Vítimas de tráfico humano

Vítima de violência doméstica , abuso psicológico, emocional

Vítimas de violência doméstica contra homem

Vítimas de violência doméstica contra homem

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